NMTV – TV Media Partner of BMS Academic Excellence Awards 2013







NMTV is Navi Mumbai Television’s 24-hour News Channel. The idea of NMTV was born in the summer of June 2000, when Dr. Ravi Subbaiah – the Editor-in-Chief (and the first reporter of a local news station to become a government accredited news reporter) decided to establish a local cable news channel. From the start, the idea behind NMTV was to combine advanced news-delivery technologies with a viewer-driven format.

The channel was founded by Dr. Ravi Subbaiah, a physically challenged person who has ensured that NMTV stays as a media independent of government, political party and any other special interests is making a yeomen contribution to journalism in the city, as a whole. Dr. Ravi Subbaiah has evidently resolved to assert the editorial independence of the news channel, which is the key to the best in journalism by sparing no effort to endure its economic independence.


The quality that gives any media its distinction is the collective contribution of the team. Under Dr. Ravi Subbaiah, NMTV has been home to the city’s finest talent. Some of the best recognized faces on the network are :


Zeba Warsia
Zeba brings in her own fresh style of anchoring news. She has climbed the popularity charts in a jiffy in the local arena. Zeba started her career as a news anchor on NMTV and is today working as the Managing Editor of the channel. She has juggled the roles of an anchor, a reporter and a Managing Editor with equal panache. She is widely appreciated and acclaimed for her courageous and exemplary reportage. Zeba has reported on major issues as an anchor through her weekend news bulletins that are one of the most popular shows on the channel. She has won several awards for excellence in journalism. She is an accredited news correspondent of the Govt. of Maharashtra who has won critical and viewer acclaim for her journalism.

Sana Warsia
Sana is the youth face of NMTV. Young, fresh and enthusiastic, she redefines neighborhood reportage in her own creative and innovative style. Popular with city youth, Sana has earned the distinction of being an impassioned journalist, NMTV’s lead news anchor, and a contributor to quality public reportage on the channel. With her taste for on-site reporting, Sana embodies a new style of community journalism. Her electrifying coverage on issues and news from neighborhood lifted her to regional prominence.

Together with a strong team of correspondents around Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane and Panvel, they have been instrumental in building the company’s brand and credibility. All this comes out evidently when the NMTV team dared to bare the truth in the unholy scams and nexuses, corruption, and other anti-social activities in the city, with a passion for facts and faithful to what was seen, reporting the same without bias or rancor.

NMTV Mission

Free press and democracy are inseparable and media owners play a vital role in the development of both. Dr. Ravi Subbaiah believes in the public’s right to know, committed to objectivity, genuinely serving public interest NMTV marches on seeking out the truth, above all things, and to present to the viewers, not such things as the ruling powers and authorities would wish them to show, but the bare truth.

NMTV has a moral and a material existence. Undoubtedly the standards of journalism set by NMTV in the 21st century city speaks high of its balance of both, elevating it to extra-ordinary eminence as the best, accurate, credible and authentic news telecaster in the city.

Dr. Ravi Subbaiah, with dynamic vision of the role of the media in a democratic and rapidly changing society continues to lead his warriors in a revolutionary war every moment. Media has no control over their basic raw material – news. Hence an editor has to roll out identical cars for sometime till a new model is designed and introduced. Hence, in a perennial state of preparedness as action continues to present itself uninterruptedly, the special NMTV squad, will continue to go on as they have begun, calling a spade a spade!

NMTV News works for solution not for sensation.


NMTV is a 24 hours local cable news station in this region. It is the first local cable news station to be accredited by the Government of Maharashtra. You can view  our channel online on www.nmtv.tv. We have a maximum viewership of about 10 lakhs for Kalwa, Navi  Mumbai & Raigad  In Mumbai we are running in the name of Mumbai 24 on Incable Network and the channel can be seen on digital box 549 across Mumbai, Thane, Mira Bhyander, Kalyan & Dombivalli , Navi Mumbai, Panvel and Raigad. .


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