Priyanka Gandhi, Hinduja College


Name – Priyanka Pramod Gandhi

College – K.P.B.Hinduja College Of Commerce

Tell us about yourself

I am simple and hardworking with a broad outlook and positive attitude towards life. I dont believe in destiny but in carving my own paths to reach my destination. I whole-heartedly believe in the proverb which says-“BE GOOD TO THE PEOPLE YOU MEET ON YOUR WAY UP BECAUSE YOU MIGHT COME ACROSS THEM ON YOUR WAY DOWN..”

Tell us about your college

I am honoured to say that K.P.B. Hinduja College Of Commerce has made a mark in the list of the topmost commerce colleges, more precisely,BMS colleges all over Mumbai.The college is blessed with remarkable infrastructure,motivating faculty and versatile students.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?

I joined BMS in the year 2009-10..currently in SYBMS.

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?

I chose BMS because I have always wanted to own a well established business and from my point of view BMS is a good start to inculcate the basic qualities, skills and persona required to survive in today’s competetive corporate world.

According to you, what is BMS all about?-

According to me BMS is all about moulding yourself into a perfectionist. It not only lays down the foundation for managing business but also for managing our lives..!

What’s special about your college? What do you love about it?

The support extended by our professors is the speciality of our college and what i love about my college is that it is an exception in the case of ragging which we hear so frequently these days.Infact in our college, there is an amazing bonding between the juniors and the seniors..!

Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?

My most favourite teacher is our teaching faculty as well as the BMS co-ordinator,Prof.Shital Mody. She not only encourages us to be brave and try out new things but also stands by our side when we actually dare to do something different. She criticizes when we do something wrong but at the same time she is humble enough to appreciate our efforts too.

What has BMS life taught you?

First and foremost it has tought me to manage myself..! It has taught me how to communicate effectively with others. It has taught me is to manage time. And last but not the least,it has taught me the most interesting funda-” BE ON YOUR TOES AND FIX A REFRIGERATOR ON YOUR HEAD WHEN YOU DEAL WITH PEOPLE WISER AND SMARTER THAN YOU…!!”

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest?The most memorable?

The most memorable days were that of the FYBMS Industrial Visit to Shimla-Chandigarh..!

Who in your life has influenced the most?

My parents ofcourse. Even though i am a girl, my parents never stopped me from dreaming big and have always supported me in chasing my dreams.

As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?

I feel that the current scenerio of BMS is more of theory based. There should be more emphasis given on imparting and gaining practical knowledge.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

Dont do it just because others are doing it…and if you opt for it, then give your 100%.

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?

Frankly speaking, I would prefer to experiment and learn things myself…rather than getting ready-made answers from the MBAs..

What are your future plans?

I wish to do a course in Event Management  & if possible, MBA in HR/Marketing. In the long run, i aspire to have my own event management firm.

What are you expecting out of BMS?

To help me expose my hidden talents and to develop my personality to suit the corporate requirements.

How is What help should it provide in future?

It’s an excellent platform where the bms students from various colleges can interchange their views and opinions.It can prove to be more helpful by providing detailed exam related issues and guidelines.

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Faisal Taibani
Faisal Taibani - Campus Representative, K.P.B.Hinduja College of Commerce. [email protected]


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