Pro Kabaddi League an Instant Hit?


pro kabaddi

Kabaddi is a game of our very own country India which among Indians was merely a game that they used to play in their childhood just like other games such as Gilli Danda, Lagori etc. Kabaddi did have a world cup but was never really recognized as a popular sport even in India, let alone world. Kabaddi is mainly played in India but also is a domestic game in many Asian countries like Pakistan, Bnagladesh, Iran, Japan etc. When there were news coming of a Kabaddi league which will feature teams from India and feature Indian and International players, people were excited about this new concept but no one would have thought that it will become such a super hit.

kabaddi pro league

Pro Kabaddi has become a hit everywhere, people are talking about it, twitter and facebook is flooded with fans talking, sharing, twitting about it. When there are celebrities associated to a sport, it instantly becomes popular especially when there are stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Amir Khan, Shahrukh Khan etc associated with this league.

The league is well organized with every club having owners, coaches and good quality players who have become instant stars in India. Kabaddi League became so popular because Kabaddi has always being an amazing sport, it is just not about great, heavy marketing but Indians actually love this sport and wanted it to go next level and make Indians proud.

pro kabaddi celebrity

Indians are never really known as tough guys in sports, even their most popular sport Cricket is a gentleman’s game, soft game compared to some dangerous physical sports like Rugby, Ice Hockey, even Football. Kabaddi is a physical sport and it showcased the world that Indians can play tough physically challenging sports and physical sports are always more entertaining and exciting which attract lot of fan base. If Pro Kabaddi continues the way it is going, we might see a domestic sport reborn to the next level.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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