STYLE AND FASHION: What’s Your Style?



We all have forgotten what STYLE is. Today style means to just follow what’s in and what’s out. Style has become a list to be followed, the dos and don’ts, the colors and the ugly ones. People have merged style and fashion- which makes me extremely sad.

Style is something that inspires…something that inspires about style, beauty and art: ideas. Style is about celebrating individuality and personal style. Style let you dream. Style lets you lose your imaginations, where judgments are ignored. Style should be something that inspires us by aesthetics. Style to us is more than the clothes you wear or how you style your hair, how you brace it. It’s about the way you carry yourself to the world, how you live and experience life, how you embrace ideas and people. I think we need the space when people feel it to forward-thinking and innovation. We want to go back to that core.

Everyone has got their styles. I personally don’t believe in perfectionism. Style isn’t about reaching the ideal to us; it’s about imagination and creation. It’s about being yourself, raw. It’s about carrying yourself confidently and not caring whether it’s in fashion or not.  It’s about admiring the beauty of a human nature. It’s about feeling good.

Style is different from Fashion. It can be anything. It can be communication…style is a form of communication. Exploring the world, people and looks. When you think about getting dressed you think about curating art, you pick the best pieces to communicate the impression you want to develop. It’s about experiencing the look, feeling the look, experiencing sensuality. And it is important. Youth today are growing in the era of internet that poses transparency. We are broad minded now and we all know what’s in each other’s heads. Youth believes in transparency. There must be an extreme bad click – but that’s what you were looking at that certain time. It’s about exchanging ideas freely. It allows you to think and sense that you are a star. You are feeling what you are expressing through your style. Style divorces you from that self-hatred and neglect. It puts you in a position to LOVE YOURSELF.

Style can be manifesting one’s personality in physical form. It’s a glimpse into the soul. But style and fashion are two different things. Style is who you are; Fashion is superficial- what’s going to see. Style can’t be bought. Style can be weird. Where you are not afraid what to wear…you wear things that inspires you. It’s the luxury of expressing yourself. Taking care of yourself and making an effort. It’s about feeling good about yourself.


We are always fascinated by how designers introduce something unfamiliar that is both efficient and beautiful. Style lets you embrace the unknown, trust in others and get out there in the world and explore. Which gives you great rewards too.

It’s about loving yourself. Whether you are obese, skinny or fit. Obesed people usually face many many difficulties and they don’t realize that they are losing something. The embarrassment, negligence and the fast breathes on walking are at one side…but they lose the battle to love themselves. They forgot to love themselves. The need to rediscover and do something that their body again feels the gratitude. The need to do an act of loving self. Losing weight is one prime thing. The struggle of doing so will itself teach and make them love themselves slowly. Then might be taking a long travel tour serve the other half. They can realize how their body supports them and love them. Eyes get peeled and you might realize the importance of loving yourself with style.

Doing the things that you love and feeling proud about yourself. May be it’s about winning a game, starting and adventuring a small own business or travelling to your heart. This things give you self-reliance and the reason to love and feel good about yourself. The journey makes you realize many things, teach and educate you practically and moves you from the person you were. It’s style. When you find something in you – which you believe only you can do. Maybe it’s holding and living your future, making new friends or finishing your work with the elegant polish. Teaching and inspiring people and feeling proud about it gives a relax relief. Which makes you fall again for yourself.

You may style in using make-up products. Whether it’s the foundation that gives your skin the glow and younger look or the red areas covered so that you feel pretty and confident or the lip gloss that stays really well making you feel shiny. Also we should not dull our beauty through mistreatment, self-hate and alteration. Make up is all good but you should not completely change yourself the way magazine covers do to beautiful actresses. 😛 We cannot wear a mask our whole life, right? Makeup should not pull out the beautiful things in you.

Style is when you aspire to live a happy, peaceful, loving life. Some people may be able to accomplish that while having fame and doing things big…while some don’t want to strive and like the intimacy of doing this in small. Never listen to what others say. Style is about being yourself because you are different.

Everyone has their own STYLE. Everyone has a face they put forward – what’s yours? 🙂



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