Tablets vs Textbooks- Which Is Better?


Tablets vs Textbooks

Mankind is evolving and so is our way of living. Technology is touching various parts of our lives. Even our education system is getting digital and plans are made to introduce modern methods of learning rather than use of textbooks as a part of our old traditional methods of learning.  Should tablets replace textbooks is a topic of debate even today after the advent of technology.  Although the idea of replacing textbooks with tablets proves to be more beneficial but there are lot of doubts which still holds this topic for a better solution.

Tablets will prove to be beneficial in many ways. Use of tablet will eliminate the load of carrying textbooks which is a major problem for most of the students, as all of the information will be updated in the tablet itself. The information is long lasting and can be referred whenever and wherever possible. Tablets are very handy and it’s an efficient learning tool having everything just a click away. It makes learning much easier. In order to make books trees are cut which is destroying the environment, use of tablets will reduce the cutting of trees for making books and promote deforestation. Most of you will agree on this that the moment we see books it puts us to sleep, using tablets will make it more interesting with its graphics, live pictures, readable words etc.

Like any other thing it cannot be totally beneficial, it also has certain drawbacks. It could act as a major distraction with an electronic device in ones hand, where the kinds could easily download games or play with other apps during their lectures in class. Also there could be delay in teaching, unlike books that just needs to be removed from the bag, tablets require time to start and load the files. Also there might be connectivity issues while using WIFI to the students.

According to me tablets could be help to solve a lot of problems but yet it has its own issues and cannot decide its authenticity. Similarly textbooks may be an issue but has been our method of learning since the education system came to being, and nothing can easily replace it, Books are after all books.

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Daisy Pais


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