Teen Love : Is It Real Or Just Affection Or Fake?


teenage love

Teenagers fall in love very often. It is just infatuation because at that age “You’re not old enough to love really; it’s just teenage infatuation.” .. if a teenager could have real love or is it true that all love by teenagers is puppy love? Our childhood friends and teenage sweethearts experienced with us all the wonderful, horrible, boring, and embarrassing moments that helped to make us who we are today. True love and high school, for some reason each of those words said in the same sentence doesn’t sound like a good mix. High school is the time to get good grades, excel at academics and perhaps jump-start your career and when the teenage people get into love and all they concentrate more in it and their grades comes down.

Now when you point out to the teenagers and tell them that their love is puppy love they fight back and they ask what about the adults. Adults fall in love. Yes, you read it correctly. Adults, not teenagers. Grown up people with a strong sense of maturity, a job and a passion besides playing video games. Adults who underestimate the strength of the bond or the impact of the loss of a first love may have forgotten what a blow it was when they lost their own first loves. They may even try to comfort teenagers with light-hearted lessons: a surprising number of men and women wrote to me to bitterly complain about parents who joked years ago, “Don’t worry! Boyfriends/girlfriends are like buses… a new one comes along every ten minutes!” This was not helpful, and it was not funny. The loss of a first love can be so crushing to some teenagers that they become suicidal. The age of puberty, however, has dropped. Whatever the reasons for this, reaching puberty influences the age of first love and first sexual experience. It is rare now to marry a first love. The facts about today’s  teenagers is that they date not for mate selection but for fun.

Some teenagers might be serious but the rest are just for fun and if you see boys nor girls are less all they wanna do is have fun. But I would like to suggest you that be careful, each step you take because you are wasting your precious time of your life so try to do something good so that you won’t feel guilty later about it. The pain of the breakup will subside with time, but the love may stay buried and dormant for decades. While most men and women find satisfying partners after first love breakups, there are adults who spend their married years by becoming aware that “something is missing.” Nobody forgets their first love because its always precious no matter what has happened between you guys. I think only a person with more years of experience can clearly comprehend the whole concept of “love.” The study about lost loves and lost love reunions, the clearer it becomes to me how important young love really is. First love, young love, is indeed real love. This intense love does not come along every ten minutes. For some people, it may come only once in a lifetime.

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Christina Kurian
Hi, i am a girl who lyk to mke frdz n do crazy stuff. I lyk to write poems, dance & play badminton. U cn knw me n my thinking throughout my article.....


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