The 8 Types of People You’ll Meet in School Life


school life

School life… well it is the most memorable and important part of one’s life, it is also known as second home for kids. School is a place where we get to learn a lot, school life is a preparatory stage for the future. We make lots of friends in school life, and come across many different types of people in school life, some are scholars, some are nerds, some are bitchy, and some know everything. Every individual is different from one another. So here are some (8) kinds of different people I come across.

  1. Who knows everything?

They are those people /students in school who knows about everything in life, they feel they are the most intelligent creatures on the planet. They will answer to the every question of teachers, whether they are right or wrong. They feel they are someone who has experienced a lot in life, these people sometimes become very advisory or philosophical as if they know everything and they can guide people well. Even I found these people are very much into the work, like they complete their home works on time and are the first one to raise their hands to get there works corrected. These people are bit aggressive and they are not friends with many people, they are very choosy in selecting the people to make friends.

  1. Nerd/Scholars

They are someone who are totally into books they are least interested what is happening in their surroundings, all they know is their books and studies. All they want to get is 99% marks nothing else. These types of people are very punctual and very much particular about their work they are not much interactive.

  1. Super cools

They are extraordinary cool people of the school. They are least interested in studies. They are some who are very much into relationships. They have a Casanova image in people. They hangout a lot, click many pics and upload it on social networking sites on a daily basis. They have lots and lots of friends, these people are very social and carry a bit negative attitude.

  1. Very shy

There are few people in school who are very much shy, they hardly talk to somebody around. They don’t even speak a word in front of anyone, these people are someone who are really every emotional. They don’t willingly talk to anybody, they live in a bubble.


  1. Sports

There are people who are very good at sports, they were some national, districts level player. They always get concession on bunking lectures and can easily influence others.

  1. Lazy

They were someone extremely lazy to the core. They will never complete their work, very much un-punctual. They don’t like to play, interact with people much, they are always in their own world.

  1. School haters 

There are people who used to hate school like anything, they never wish to come to school they are forcefully send to school.

  1. All rounder’s

They are someone very much perfect in all ways. They have very good manners, they are good at sports, academics, extracurricular activities. Teachers like them the most.


every class has

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Shritika Vardhan
hello..I am shritika a second year BMS student .


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