The Best Cricket Grounds in The World That Drive Cricket Fan’s Crazy!



Cricket is a hundred year old sport which was started in England. Cricket has become much popular now and there is nothing better for a cricket fan than to enjoy a cricket match in a beautiful stadium. Here are 5 of the best cricket grounds in the planet.

The Lords:


It is the Mecca of cricket, the home of the cricket where champions and legends have played. Every cricketer dreams of playing in this ground. It has a rich history

Old Trafford

old trafford

It is just 5 km away from one of the most popular football grounds the Old Trafford. Situated in Manchester this is a popular cricket ground and the first ever test match was played at this ground.

Eden Gardens

Eden Gardens1

Situated in Kolkata, India it boasts a capacity of more than 90000 people and it is a joy to hear the crown cheer in a match. It is regarded as the second biggest ground in the world behind Melbourne.



South Africa played their first ever official test match at this ground. It is a great cricket ground where World Cup final between Australia and India was played ten years back which Australia had won.



MCG is the largest cricket stadium in the world, It is situated in Melbourne, Australia. It hosted first ever international match of Australia playing their biggest cricketing rivals England. It is a ground with great history and culture.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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