The Perfect Sunglasses Trends For 2013/2014


Mirrored Sunglasses 1

You slather on SPF50 on your skin to save yourself from the heat whereas you tend to ignore the importance of sunglasses.But the fact is that nothing shows a finger to the pulse like an on-trend pair of sunglasses.

Sunglasses have benefits far beyond their original purpose. They give a finish touch to an outfit and their benefits shouldn’t be understated. Here a ways to select the right ones:-

 Sunglasses trends for 2013/2014

Mirrored sunglasses:

mirrored 2

Never mind any connotations of the ’80s, there’s a distinct advantage of highly reflective sunglasses: they photograph brilliantly. That fact has seen them rise up as the number one choice for regular street style subjects, with camera lenses drawn instinctively to their reflective brilliance.

Not limited to either gender, mirrored sunglasses have come back with a vengeance on both runway and street for men and women. Expect them to linger into 2014.

Mirrored sunglasses – colours:


With vibrant blue being a top pick if you intend to get in front of a camera. Blue makes for one of the most striking colours in photographs, and the most stand-out addition to any outfit.

Street style – blue mirrored sunglasses:

blue mirrored glasses

Aside from blue, other options to consider are green, yellow, metallic gold, pink or even reflective dark/black lenses. Mirrored lenses can work in any given shape and style, too, so just go for what best suits your face shape and wardrobe.

Street style – dark and gold mirrored sunglasses:

dark n gold mirrored

The other brilliant thing about an on-trend pair of sunglasses is that you can find a pair at pretty much every price point. Invest in a designer or boutique label pair for something long-lasting, avintage pair for bygone craftsmanship, or a high street version to get you through the summer with a variety of looks to choose

Matte framed sunglasses:

matte mirror

Whether or not to opt for reflective lenses is one thing, but the frames are another question entirely. One of the biggest trends right now is to go for a completely matte finish: no transparency, no shine or gloss. This is true regardless of colour: it could be classic black or tortoiseshell, a vibrant red or a summer pastel hue.

Flocked sunglasses:

flocked glasses

For another variation on the traditional sunglasses frame – one that’s very now and liable to stand out in a crowd – there’s always a flocked velvet finish. You’ll find flocking across a variety of styles, from oversized aviators to classic wayfarers, and often they’ll double the impact with bright, bold colours.

 – Misbaah Mansuri


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