The Revealing Agent of Relationships



Being in a relationship and having a perfect love life is something that really adds Happiness and supreme satisfaction in a person’s life. But that always doesn’t seems to be as easy as we think. The problem this days are the revealing agent. We see people who feel free to show their love to the world. They think it’s not a thing to hide and are really open and honest about it. While some don’t believe to reveal their so personal and important thing to the world – i.e. the unknown or the less friendly people. They believe it in sharing with absolutely no one or with their selected bunch of close hearts.

The world is changing…people are reconstructing their thoughts and beliefs. Changing their lifestyles and so many things. Today being into a relationship and then settling with your partner is something people do and dream to do. Arrange marriages seems sick to many. So what do you do when you have the perfect partner? Do you reveal it or hide it? We are social hubs, we have people peeping into our lives, engaging with us. In this world of socialization hiding such a thing becomes damn difficult. The chases starts when you keep on faking false reasons to people enquiring about you and your partner because “you are just good friends with him/her” Yeah, this is ready statement that bounces from your mouth every time. Many decide to be honest at the front door itself to avoid further chases and stories.

People who decide the “not to reveal dice” face quite some short to fro problems. You have friends constantly asking you where are you going, to meet whom? You should spend some time with us too and the emotional blackmailing’s are always a go. This all really freaks one out. People should be really taught in school – not to interfere in someone’s life to a hell. Things would be easier if that happened. People chose this because they don’t want to give others a glimpse of their personal life and things happening. This may be for safety and security reasons or any psychological though. Whereas Psychological issues are the most people see at such times.

What happens when we portray our personal life to people especially relationship stuffs – people start producing an image or pose a judgment which is really frustrating when one has to encounter it …so better why to reveal such things to people who won’t be understanding you, you haven’t seen or shared long years in life, or someone not important to you. The decision to keep your important part of life at black shadow makes you happy then. You are happy that your relationship is in the privacy mode and there is no one to disturb or question or eat your head at times. The privacy makes your chest filled and you don’t feel bad that everyone should also know how wonderful life you both have.

While the ones who are really honest and do not think much of course doesn’t face the front chases – friends cannot enter the line when you say – sorry I need to go with my girl. But this gives a pinch also when you have a special relation, when the things become available to others too…so they now know you are going to have breakfast with your partner and then you both will walk home through the long way. The privacy gets highlighted, people come to know about it – and this really makes you sick and unhappy. You miss the world where only things are special and known to the two of you. Your small special world. It also hurts many times. When you cannot lie or hide. People who are frank generally with this faces some or the other odd judgmental problems. People judge you or they give attention to the only one part. Your relationship only comes to the limelight when they see you. The other things for which you should be appreciated are often back stepped in first looks. While many reveal their life very easily because it’s a matter of small fame to them.

This additional tags come with every relationship…no one lets you live a satisfied life. But the best way is to -not reveal things to people. Making a statement officially might give you hauntings later, so it’s better not reveal this things and stretch them as far as possible. There is no question about normal daily friends who doesn’t matter a lot to you – they aren’t getting any information.

 The specialness of such a relation is supreme and its supremacy shouldn’t be dared to touch. It’s not important to say each and everything about your life to someone. You should keep many things to you. Not only relationship …there are many things happening in life which are a bit personal. They can exist unshared. Yes when the problem is big and you need to share it with an advising friend you should not wait to do that though. But make sure you do not share every bit of your relationships, special friendships…this special things should exist only with the people creating and meant for it.

The privacy itself will give you happiness. And never fear. You should know what you are doing – fearing from someone’s judgments or urging to say them everything or revealing about your life. You should do what is right for your relation and your happiness.  Remember if you will do all things for people’s acceptance …you will die from their rejections too. Life should be made such where you don’t hurt yourself again and again. Keep things personal …say the required stuffs and be happy.



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