The Types Of People You Are Guaranteed To Meet In Your College Life


college life

College is the most exciting time of one’s life, this is the place where we find many people, build up so many wonderful memories, learn a lot of things at the same time have the best time of our life. The first look of college be it the first day of college life or class after a long vacation, it always seems like a zoo filled with different kinds of animals, all howling at the same time, excited and happy to meet new people or sharing about the things they did throughout their vacation or waiting eagerly to know which professor is gonna make their life hell this year. (Jokes)

But the most important and beautiful thing about college life is making new friends out of which some remain in our hearts forever while others will always remain in our minds. College, a place where one can find various species under one roof divided into various small groups, the so called system of ‘Groupism’. There will a particular bunch of girls and boys, who think they are better or superior than others in class and treat others like small little creatures. These kinds of people know nothing about academics, apart from their egos, attitudes and snobby behaviors. They are the most annoying kind of people someone or the other often comes across in their college life. Other kinds of people are the nerds, exactly opposite to those above, who are not bothered about anything else. They always keep themselves isolated from the rest of the class and keep themselves right inside their books, who always answer in class and make you feel like a total loser, good for nothing. These are the most silent people but act violently during exams. There are some others who believe in enjoying their college life, learning yet at the same time believe in living each moment of their college life, ever ready to make new friends and explore new things in life.  

college life

The things that make college life beautiful is spending endless time in the canteen, gossiping about vague things one can even think of be it about college profs or any random student whom we dislike, last minute completion of assignments and projects together as a group even though the assignments were individual, standing up for each other when in need. College life is truly the most amazing time of anyone’s life, a memory that always will remain in our hearts no matter where we go.

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Daisy Pais


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