Top 10 Career Options For The Indian Youth!


Graduates in Cap and Gown

No one in the world want to pursue a low demand work with less pay off in fact everyone want to pursue a great career with high earning potential as everyone want to be in fame & gain the popularity with money for the luxury lifestyle they want to pursue. In the world a very few people know what they want to do in life & others are still confused whether which career to pursue or what to study so that they can live a lavish lifestyle.

So for the people who aren’t sure what career to pursue so fortunately, for them we have done a little homework & looked into the Indian department of labor’s statistics to find 10 in demand careers that yield high average earning.

The Indian job industry is booming & making its mark. Yes money & job satisfaction is a great thing but they should not be placed on the liberal perks for this reason Einstein has quoted “Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value”. Lucrative jobs with great money combined with job satisfaction & liberal perks is everyone’s desire. So for this reason we have brought you with the list of top 10 careers in Indian market.

1. Master’s in Business Administration:

Indian mba's

The most sought after course Master in Business Administration is one of the highest paying career options in present situation & if you pursue your degree from an ‘A’ grade institution you can easily get an offer of Rs. 750, 000 to Rs. 800, 000 as a fresher.

2. Medical career:

indian docs

A career in medical field is considered as one of the most respectable career. Students choose this option after 10+2 itself & with their gene of interest they choose a specialization in any stream of their wish. The salary in general practice begins at about Rs. 300, 000 during internships & after that there is no limit to the amount that they can earn.

3. IT Professionals:


IT industry & their solutions are always high in demand round the globe & thus it fetches exorbitant salaries round the globe. Experienced top tier software development managers, essentially the CEO or high end positions of a software project & can salaries in the range of Rs12,00,000to 20,00,000 or even high depend on the project 7 software engineers & programmers can earn in the range of Rs800,00 to Rs850,000

4. Charted Accountants (CAs)& Corporate Financial Advisors (CFAs):

CA logo

If money management attracts you more so for you the best profession would be CA or CFA. Every company be it be small or large needs their account to be maintained & that is the place you can fit into it. If you love playing with numbers then this profession is your cup of tea & you can easily find the job in the government sector & you can also a good lucrative salary & for the fresher the range is in between Rs. 350, 000 to Rs. 450, 000.

5. Aviation Careers:


Indian airline industry is going through a sea change. Earlier it was the government which was ruling the airlines industry but now the winds have changed 7 the situation is quite different. Lots of new airlines have come up & due to this the airline industry is experiencing a noticeable growth. The new airline industry is hiring new pilots & other staff for the efficient working of the organization. Entry level pilots & technical engineers are typically earning in the range of Rs. 40,00,000 to Rs. 50,00,000  & air traffic controllers earn in the range of Rs. 500,000 to Rs. 600,000.

6. Legal professionals:

legal profession

A well-established lawyer as well as advocates on account of their nature & significance of their service & track records command the fees of their desire. Income of public prosecutors & judges are quite rich including the additional benefits that they can get. This stream is said to be evergreen stream as there is always a demand of lawyer in public as well as private streams.

7. Sports: 


In India sports is the sector that offers lots of money shower along with glamour flavor. The wide spread scope of this industry offers lots of opportunities to the people to pursue career in sports. Moreover if you get a good spotlight with performance, the endorsements& recognition get you big boons. So there is no limit of the income if you become a sportsman but the career span of a sports man is short but the work & achievements are always alive in the memories of fans & believer.

8. Entertainment Industry:


Entertainment Industry is a vast industry where you can see profits in small events, episodes, TV shows & films. Income will be around Rs. 10, 000 to Rs. 200, 000 for an episode or event depending on the event or the program that they conduct. In film industry the debut can earn around Rs. 500, 000 to Rs. 50, 00,000 depending on the budget of the film they also get fashion shows & also the world wide recognition.

9. Offshore Drilling:


India’s public sector, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation is the country’s highest profit churner. Pay scale in this industry is very good with offshore oil drilling career being the highest earner. Entry level employees can expect salary in the range of Rs. 350, 000 to Rs. 400, 000 with additional perks & packages.
10. BPOs & KPOs:


Customer service is the basic necessity for every industry irrespective of the industry & the size & for that the company is ready to pay a good amount. Moreover with the global recession warning the call center is booming once again. The other perks offered here are a very good consideration. The annual income in this sector is around Rs. 200, 000 to Rs. 300, 000.

Although these are careers which are in demand & also the pay scale is really good but there are many other fields also & do the work which satisfies you & you are passionate about it then the world is yours & you can even be an inspiration to others & can boom a new industry in the market. So Best of Luck in choosing your career!

– Nikhil Jain

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