Top 10 Inspirational Quotes, Images, Slogans On ‘Save Girl Child’ For WhatsApp, Facebook

We have rich and diverse culture but the partiality and bias towards women is still a shame on our society. According to a report, every year, 5 lac baby girls are killed in India even before they step into this world. “Save Girl Child” initiative has been taken by many social organizations in order to change the mindset of our society and think positively towards the girl child. Here we present the top 10 inspirational quotes, slogans, images which you can share and spread awareness:


The hand that rocks the cradle, the procreator, the mother of tomorrow; a woman shapes the destiny of civilization. Such is the tragic irony of fate, that a beautiful creation such as the girl child is today one of the gravest concerns facing humanity.


A girl is whole by all means.. not a toy by any means…underneath her hair and make-up there is sign that says: handle with care.


Women are wonderful!

They are graceful!

They have compassion and concern for fellow beings!

they are care  takers of family & society!

They should be appreciated, admired, respected!


4)”A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.”- Carl Sandburg  


“The beauty of a girl cannot be mimicked, fabricated or created by human means, it only occurs naturally.” Pam Callaghan  

“Our daughter is the knot that ties the family together”. 

“A baby girl…one of the most beautiful miracles in life, 
one of the greatest joys we can ever know,and one of the reasons why there is a little extra sunshine, laughter and happiness in your world today.” Author: unknown  

“Little girls dance their way into your heart, whirling on the tips of angel wings, scattering gold dust and kisses in our paths”  

“Little Girls are Heavens Flowers”  

“Daughters are flowers that are forever in bloom.”  

“Girls are giggles with freckles all over them”  


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  1. A baby girl…
    one of the most beautiful miracles in life,
    one of the greatest joys we can ever know,
    and one of the reasons why
    there is a little extra sunshine, laughter and happiness
    in your world today.

    A Daughter: The companion, the friend, and the confidant of her mother, and the object of a pleasure something like the love between the angels to her father.

    A girl is
    Innocence playing in the mud,
    Beauty standing on its head,
    and Motherhood dragging a doll by the foot.

    Sugar and spice
    and all things that are nice
    That’s what little girls are made of

    She will fill our lives with sunshine….
    And our hearts with love

    Ten fingers, Ten toes
    She’s laughter and teardrops
    So small and brand new
    And amazingly angelic
    She’s sent to bless you
    She’s one special Baby
    The best of life’s treasure
    And will grant and bless you
    Many hours of great pleasure

    The beauty of a girl cannot be mimicked, fabricated or created by human means, it only occurs naturally

    1. Small and Sweet.
      My Little Girl so small and sweet,
      Those tiny hands and tiny feet.
      Everyday I watch you grow,
      You teach me everything I know.
      Such a joy to be around,
      Every smile and every sound.
      Number one you will stay,
      Each and every single day.
      You changed my life in such good ways,
      ‘Thank You’ is all that I can say.
      I love to watch you sleep at night,
      Cuddled warm and wrapped up tight.
      As I blink the time it flies,
      It breaks my heart to see you cry.
      I gave you life, so proud to say,
      I’ll love you more with every day.
      My little Girl so small and sweet,
      For you my heart, It beats and beats.

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