Top 5 Best Commentators in Cricket Right Now



Cricket is a long game, a test match goes on for 5 days while an One Day international takes up whole day to finish. The sport is surely interesting but quality commentators enhance the experience of the game, quality commentators can make a dull game interesting. Commentator not only keeps viewers engaged the match but also give tactical analysis, views, strategies, shares knowledge which enhance the experience for a fan. Commentators are there for Radio, Television and even Internet. Here are the top 5 commentators in Cricket right now who you just want to listen in a match as a viewer.

Geoffrey Boycott

He has to be on the list, He has his own quirky ways and provides the traditional views especially during the test matches. His anecdotes about his ‘mam’ and ‘grandmam’ are quite entertaining. May he should mention a tad less about the “uncovered pitches” that existed during his time.

Mark Nicholas

mark nicholas commentator

He has the best voice, so classy, great opinions, he has all the qualities of a world class commentator and he is one of the best of all time. Mark has that charisma that he brings to the cricket

Harsha Bhogle

Any Indian would rate him the best commentator India ever had, he is that good and he is surely one of the best commentators in the world. He has a great voice, he is witty, great cricketing knowledge and absolutely unbiased opinions.

David Lloyd

david bumble lloyd

What is cricket if it is not fun and good-natured banter? Bumble with his inimitable accent and light-hearted analysis is a perfect foil. One of the unique qualities that he brings to the commentary box is he has firsthand experience of being the coach of a National team.

Richie Benaud

richie rich benaud

He has been an outstanding commentator from such a long time. He is the oldest serving commentator in the game right now. His cricketing knowledge is massive and his opinions are great, he provides all that viewers desire, such a gentleman voice and a classy commentator.

There are ofcourse many more great commentators around who I might not have added to the list as i found these gentlemen better, but commentators like Michael Holding, Ian Chappel are true quality, also the upcoming Rahul Dravid seems to be one worthy of a listing in the future. So who is your favorite?


– Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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