Top 5 Convincing Ways To Tell Your Parents That You Got ATKT Or You Are Failed


bad grades

Worried and stressed out how you are going to tell your poor grades/marks to your MOM and DAD? A positive approach will make it easy for you to communicate with your parents.
Here are effective ways to communicate with your parents about your bad grades/marks/results:

1) Don’t delay and inform your parents:

It’s better if You show the marksheet to your parents rather than hiding it. Procrastination makes things worsen and getting to know about your grades from your teacher or someone else would disappoint them more. They will feel that there is a lack of trust and communication.


2) Be honest and accept that it’s your mistake:

You need to be honest with yourself and your parents and give them proper reasons why you flunked. If you feel it’s really hard to talk to them, pick a proper time to talk to them before they jump into conclusions. Cry if you feel like but don’t be fake. Apologize for your bad grades and tell your parents that you will do better next time. Ask their opinions and suggestions for improving your study technique.


3) Calm them down if they get mad at you:

If your parents start screaming at you for all the things you didn’t do for getting good grades, let them speak. You can politely ask them to lower their voice and calm down.  Acknowledge your mistakes and tell them that you are very sorry for your mistakes. Agree with them when they say all the wrong things you have done. Be like a good girl/boy and don’t get into a fight.


4) Be prepared and organize your work:

Be ready with all the plans you have listed to tackle the subject and take it when you meet your parents to talk about your possible ideas. The plan should show that you are willing to take ownership which proves you are a grownup and not a child anymore which would make your parents feel happy. Admit your mistakes and avoid repeating the same in the future.


5) Take suggestions and be flexible:

Now you need to understand that it’s time to move on and learn. Take suggestions from your parents and be flexible and cooperative. If they ask you to cut down partying with friends or spending time on internet, don’t fight with them but instead LISTEN. Show them your progress weekly and take help of your friends who are good in that subject. If you are willing to learn and make necessary changes, you can recover from any situation.

Make a plan and stick to it!!

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