Why Giving Up Is Not An Option!


give up

It seems centuries when it’s not even been an entire week of taking up a challenge and since the beginning it, has been very difficult to sustain it. Every small hurdle is coming back to give me a head but and hammer into me the fact that I can’t succeed. Are my aspirations way too unrealistic?

Are they? I keep questioning myself repeatedly and every time I ask this over every time the percentage of positivism in my mind increases, nothing is impossible and I have concurred to that thought!

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I might fail and keep failing till the end of my days, but I won’t give up and it is this crazy, undeterring attitude of mine which will take me past all the depression of those gloomy unresponsive efforts! which I am sure about.

If things didn’t work out one way I ll be glad because it helped me highlight the wrong path and taught me a valuable lesson on which way I am not to waste my time again.

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I write this not because I am brimming with confidence and have that feeling of a winner in my heart! On the contrary, I am doing so because somewhere I feel, that by writing my challenges down and repeating them to myself I will be self-convinced of the true potential of those who never give in!

We fight it hard and don’t let those negative people and situations get to us because, our strength and stability solely lies in our mind, if that falters everything crumbles off!

Bring it on, I say.. because you haven’t tried enough unless you have succeeded!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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