Why Should You Go For BMS?



   There is a certain bubble of confidence that a BMS Graduate/Under graduate carries with him/her. They have a reflecting aura of self-confidence and professionalism which makes them stand out in a pool of heterogeneous fresher’s. This self-attestation is due to the rigorous three year program that BMS makes them go through.

                BMS comprises of 6 semesters, each semester lasting approximately 3 months. These 3 months are jam packed with numerous presentations, vivas, written tests, class activities, assignments, etc. By the end of the 4th semester, each student is well versed with the various animation effects Microsoft PowerPoint has to offer. This just shows the quantity of presentations one needs to make throughout the course.

                Though taxing, BMS is an all-round course that works on nurturing a student in various avenues. One is not tied down to a single category whilst doing BMS. I, for example, have chosen to venture into the Marketing/PR field. I constantly get bombarded with questions as to why BMS and not BMM? My only answer would be that a BMM student wouldn’t really know how to make a balance sheet. BMS is the perfect course for someone who wants to set up his own business in the near future. It teaches you how to start, manage and grow your own business, all by yourself. You can handle the finances, human resource as well as the promotions of your enterprise simultaneously. You can be your own boss!

                 To concise BMS in a statement, I would like to say that BMS is a perfect blend of practical and theory knowledge. It familiarizes you with prominent writers and their understanding of the subject as well as asks you to interpret these teachings in your project work. Making presentations thus forms an integral part of this management related course. By the end of third year, you can expect topics such as “Start your own Cake Shop” or “Market a jute bag in United Kingdom.” The most interesting part is that these presentations are not restricted to MS PowerPoint. You can showcase your topic via videos, speech, activities or even role-play. This allows you to channel your creative side as well.

                To summarise, if you are aiming to work at a Multinational Corporation or start your own business in the future, taking up BMS is sure to help you in the long run.




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Tejas Mane

An amateur content writer. A final year BMS student. Reigning Student of the Year of Bhavans College. Jack of all trades, master of none.


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