‘Music’ – A ‘Sweet’ Medicine


Music Doodle

Imagine waking up on a morning listening to your favorite song. I’m sure it will be a pleasant start of your day. You might also have observed the feeling of sadness engulfing you when you hear a sad tune or your feet starting to tap with a fast tune. This is nothing but the ‘Power of Music’… Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni these 7 notes in various forms have the power to generate emotions in living beings and also to bring transformation in the nature…

Whether the rustling of leaves, the patter of raindrops, the sweet sound of a koel, the tune played on a violin or the melody coming through the vocal cords of a singer… Music is present everywhere! Indeed a soulful music can connect you with the Divine… Rare are those who don’t love music… Even our heart beats in a perfect rhythm!

India is a country blessed with a treasure of beautiful and valuable classical music collection. The 7 notes as above, in their various combinations form the ‘Ragas’. The Indian classical music can be divided into 2 styles depending on the region of their origin. The ‘Hindustani’ music derived from the Persians , prevalent in North India and the ‘Carnatic’ music prevalent in the South India. Although the styles are different yet, they manage to charm us equally… The ‘Hamsadhwani’ a Carnatic raga creates a pleasant atmosphere, the raga ‘Bhairav’ of Hindustani music sung at early hours of morning, gives a ‘calm’ and ‘serious but soothing’ beginning to the day… It is to be noted that, every raga has a specific time when it is to be played/sung to make its power strong and more effective… Tansen bringing down the showers of rain on singing the raga ‘Miyan ki Malhar’, the raga of rain, is a well known story…

Let it be a singer, a musician or a mere listener, whether you have knowledge of music or not, music still soothes you, your mind, heals your injured heart, gives you an eternal peace… Nowadays, music therapy is gaining importance in medical field for the treatment of patients with stress, hypertension or any such psychological problem. In fact, you might also have come across the concept of music for the ‘unborn’…

Trends or styles of music might change with generations but Music in any and every form will continue to enchant us…

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