10 Advantages of belonging to rural India/ a small-town


There has been a recent national media attention on small-towners making it big in life.

Hence, belonging from a small town is not always a barrier in pursuing your dreams, here’s a look on the brighter side:


1. It’s a nice conversation starter when asked for introduction.
2. You can lead dual lives. One of an achiever/struggler in a metro and switch back to the slow life of your hometown. No need a separate vacation home!
3. You’re not aware of the limitations in pursuing any activity in the urban setting. You make your own rules.
4. You know the value of things; hence as you get them, you can lead a balanced life not being an extreme.
5. Even if you fail in a new place, no one knows you there. So you can go always go back and start again in your comfort zone where everyone knows everyone.
6. You will always find a support system in the non-residents of that place as they are the ones you can relate to.
7. As you adapt to the new place, you become more independent and have better opportunities of exploring life and travelling.
8. You can earn in Dollars (Metros) and spend in rupees(Home town).
9. You have a sophisticated vocabulary of foul language, in fact your own regional touch, greater understanding of whats going to happen next in a Bollywood movie and a superior knowledge of Indian cricket statistics than the commentator.
10. Ultimately, you can proudly say- “I’m from a small town which is real India.”

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