10 Amazing Beautiful Happy Teddy Day 2014 Wishes, SMS, Messages and Images


 As 10th February 2014 is Valentine’s Teddy Bear Day or Teddy day, we have got a best collection of SMS, messages, images for girlfriend, boyfriend, best friends and loved ones.


38 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 60




Teddy Bear Day Is A Day Of Love
It’s A Day When You Find Your True Love
A Day Of Hearts And Yummy Candies
A Day When Cupid Hits You With A Love Arrow
A Day When You Find Your Teddy Bear
Will You Be Mine?
Happy Teddy Bear day!

You are in my thought and in my heart, Wherever i may go, on teddy bear day i do like to say, I care more than you know.

A sweet Teddy Bear,
To My sweet mate,
On A sweet events,
Just To Say,
Happy Teddy Bear Day.

Tumse baate karne ko ji karta hai.
Jo tum baat na karo to bahut gam mujhe hota hai.
Kis trike se samjhau apne es nasamajh diL ko ki,
Tumse chahe baate kar lo jitni bhi utna kam hota hai.
Wish you a joyful teddy day sweetie..

Any bedroom without a sweet teddy bear,
Is like a dull face without any smile.
So I am sending you teddy in this message.
Happy teddy day 2014 my dear.

The Soft Cuddly Teddy Is There To Show
I Will Always Be There,
This You Should Know
Happy Teddy bear Day.

‘It’s Teddy Bear Day,
and i’m thinking
of someone cute & huggable
who is you.
Happy Teddy Bear Day’ 

To Be Always With You
A life with you,
I hope, I dream;
To be always with you,
how wonderful, it does seem
Happy Teddy Day.

48+2 Members Can Sit In A Bus
5+1 Can Sit In A Car
3+1 Can Sit In A Auto
1+1 Can Sit In A Bike
Only 1 Can Sit In My Heart
That’s ‘U’ My Dear Teddy Bear. 

If 10 people care 4 u, one of them is me, if 1 person cares 4 u that would be me again, if no 1 cares 4 u that means i m not in this world.
Happy Teddy day.


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