10 Amazing Facts And Quotes About John Nash You Definitely Need To Know


John Nash and his wife died on 23rd May 2015 in a taxi accident in New Jersey. The couple were returning to home from Norway where John Nash had received the Abel Prize for his work on nonlinear partial differential equations. John Nash was the Princeton mathematician, a subject of Oscar-winning film ‘A Beautiful Mind’.

Here we present 10 Amazing Facts And Quotes About John Nash You Definitely Need To Know:

1) John Nash was an American mathematician known for his works in game theory, differential geometry, and partial differential equations.

2) His father was an electrical engineer and his mother was a school-teacher.

3) John Nash completed his Ph.D. degree in 1950 with a 28-page dissertation on non-cooperative games.

4) He was a long-time resident of West Windsor Township, New Jersey.

5) In 1978, he was awarded the John von Neumann Theory Prize for discovery of non-cooperative equilibria.

6) In 1994, he won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.

7) He is known as ‘The Phantom of Fine Hall’ for being a shadowy figure who can scribble arcane equations in the middle of the night.

8) Sylvia Nasar wrote a biography on John Nash titled ‘A Beautiful Mind’ which was published in 1998.

9) In 2001, director Ron Howard casted Russell Crowe as John Nash in the film by the same name of the book ‘A Beautiful Mind’.

10) The movie had won 4 Academy Awards and was highly appreciated among the masses.

John Nash Quotes  (1) John Nash Quotes  (1) John Nash Quotes  (2) John Nash Quotes  (3) John Nash Quotes  (4) John Nash Quotes  (5) John Nash Quotes  (6) John Nash Quotes  (7) John Nash Quotes  (8) John Nash Quotes  (9) John Nash Quotes  (10)

Don’t miss to check amazing videos of John Nash’s interviews:




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