10 Amazing Facts On Management That You Had No Idea About


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We have started this section to teach you 10 management concepts everyday in simplest way possible. These concepts are useful for beginners as well as experts and they are presented in the shortest way possible so that you can explore the world of management gyan quickly in 2 minutes everyday.

Here we present 10 Amazing Facts On Management That You Had No Idea About:

  1. Accounting measure – method used for measurement of accounting effect
  2. Acquisition – acquiring another business
  3. Act – legal enactment
  4. Additives – capable of adding
  5. Administration – managing within the framework already laid down
  6. Alliance – cooperative understanding mostly of an informal nature
  7. Alternate applications – those applications which can be used for other purposes
  8. Anti-trust laws – legal provision in the U.S. to restrict business practices which establish monopoly like environment in business
  9. Appraising – evaluating in terms of price
  10. Art – a subjective way of handling any particular subject

management concepts

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