10 Amazing ‘Guru Purnima’ Facts That Will Blow Your Mind


The full moon day of Ashad (A month according to Hindu calendar) is traditionally known as Guru Purnima which is a festival of Hinduism specially dedicated to spiritual master, guru and teachers celebrated on 12th July 2014, Saturday.

The festival of Guru Purnima is dedicated to Ved Vyasa ( it is believed that he born on this day, estimated before 3000 B.C. ) so It is also known as Vyasa Purnima. Ved Vyas ( Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa ) is the guru of hindu religion, He had classified vedas in to four different categories Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda , He had also wrote the longest epic in the world that is Mahabharata.

Don’t miss to check – Latest SMS, Wallpapers : Happy Guru Purnima / Full Moon Day / Vyasa Puja / Vyasa Purnima 2014


guru purnima wallpaper 4


1) Guru Purnima is celebrated because it is considered that Gurus are the connective link between disciple and the immortality.

2) The day is one of the most auspicious one to commemorate the Sikh Gurus and Vyasa.

3) This festival occurs annually in the months of July / August.

4) The day marks the advent of period named as Chaturmas.


5) It is a gratitude day in which the followers appreciate and praise the existence of Gurus in their life for their amazing knowledge and spirit.

6) Hindus thank their gurus for providing them with immense knowledgeable historical books like Vedas, Puranas, Srimadbhagavata, Mahabharata etc.

7) Dattatreya was actually taught by none other than the great saint, Vyasa who is considered as Gurus of gurus.

8) This day is greatly devoted to farmers in the desire to herald a heavy shower to yield true and fresh crops.

9) On this particular day, the morning begins with the washing of the footwear mark of their own guru in order to show the respect.

10) This is later followed with the songs as well as recitations to fill the atmosphere with greater devotion.


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