10 Amazing ‘National Junk Food Day 2014’ Facts That Will Blow Your Mind


Junk Food Day




  1. Do you crave for junk food and your mom always tells that “it’s not good for you beta”?
  2. Well, here is good news for you! National Junk Food Day is going to be celebrated on 21st July 2014.
  3. National Junk Food Day is to honor junk foodies and satisfy your cravings for something naughtier, greasier, and definitely more fattening than the healthy, balanced meal.
  4. It is not an officially recognized holiday by any means but it’s a great excuse for everyone to skip their diets and indulge in all foods that are sweet  and greasy.
  5. The term “junk food” had first became popular in the 1960s but it gained immense popularity on the release of the top radio hit “Junk Food Junkie” in 1976.
  6. On this day, you can eat more junk food.. from donuts to potato chips, candy bars and lollipops, jelly beans, ice cream and milkshakes.
  7. The goal of the day is to enjoy your favorite day for 24 hours without worrying about what the world thinks about you.
  8. Celebrate the day by going to your favorite fast food centre or candy store with friends and eat as much as you can! Or Make your own home-made using different recipes online for honoring National Junk Food Day! 

Junk Food Day 1

Happy National Junk Food Day 2014!

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