10 Amazing New Year’s Resolution Tips for College Students


 new year resolutions

Making New Year’s resolutions is the easy part. But sticking to them throughout the year can be tough. Here’s a list of common student resolutions and tips on how to make them stick.

  1. Improve Your Grades

 Every college has student support and tutoring services available to help manage academics. For example, provides study tips, hosts workshops and offers free drop-in services to help students discover their learning style. Also consider joining (or starting!) a study group with classmates.


  1. Get More Sleep

Increasing the amount and quality of sleep you get can be as easy as exercising more and getting rid of afternoon naps. Not only will you feel better and be more alert for early classes, but you’ll also help curb addictions to energy drinks and coffee.


  1. Be More Health Conscious

 Take advantage of your college’s fitness facilities. Fees tend to be low, or already included in student benefits. Family physicians can also be a great resource to help students identify a fitness/nutrition plan that works best for their lifestyle.


  1. Broaden Your Knowledge

A great college experience is about finding balance. Of course, studying hard, excelling in your courses and gaining workplace-ready skills is essential. But it is also important to make friends, experience new things and have fun. Seek out opportunities to get involved through student leadership programs, athletics, clubs or student associations, which can contribute to a rewarding and unique college experience.


  1. Money Matters

 Financial resources shouldn’t be a barrier to education. That’s why colleges provide financial assistance resources to help students pay for their education. Create a reasonable budget for each month, considering everything from tuition and textbooks to entertainment, food and savings. Apply for scholarships. Students should also review their finances annually and set achievable goals for the year. Ask a final-year business student for help if you want on-going assistance. Don’t just make a budget – stick to it.

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  1. Get a Part-time Job

Contact your school’s career services office for information about part-time work on campus. They often provide networking events, resources for finding jobs, interview skills counseling and training. It’s also a good idea to start looking for a summer internship/co-op placement now so you can relax later in the semester when you’re busy with term papers and exams, and have less time to devote to a summer job search.


  1. Learn New Skills

Take an interesting course, or find a club with same interest individuals to enjoy new experiences and develop new skills. Find classes of learning, expand your skills or sample different types of job activities.


  1. Feel relaxed and less stressed

Schedule time for study, fitness and entertainment. A little fun and a lot of balance will help you feel energized and less stressed, and you’ll be less prone to stress.


  1. Volunteer

 Not only does it feel great to contribute to your community, but volunteering also looks great on a resume. Look for opportunities to donate your time and talents through your student association or student services office. Some colleges even plan group community service activities for student volunteers, so you can make new friends in the process.


  1. Make Plans for the Future

While in college, you’re constantly making major decisions that will have an impact on your future, as you plan for further education, apply for jobs and evaluate relationships. It can feel overwhelming. Try focusing on one decision at a time, researching and evaluating your options to make informed decisions. Student support and advising are often provided by colleges, so take advantage of the experts at your disposal and plan for your next life stage.


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Shreya Rathod