10 Amazing #RohitSharma Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter


#RohitSharma 1

1) Fact# went to at 03nov2014 ,after 10 days he created world record in cricket history at 13th nov 2014.

2)  deserves all the credit he is getting – but can he play a similar innings in Australia, England or South Africa? Hope so.

3) Next time he will make it. Wait and watch : Can’t believe didn’t make a Triple century…
4) You are a champion Man. Keep hitting : Thank you so very much for showering all your good wishes.”
5)  should be declared as a Country.
6) Before the match, Kohli said – is our X-FACTOR. After the match, Kohli thought – Rohit is MULTIPLES of X (10).
7) Plz Stop Cricket With Racists ,Over 600 fishermen Killed and 5 in Death row !

8)  You Enjoy ur success ,But Kills My Fishermen, My Dead Fishermen Count are More Than Your Runs !Stop Cricket with them

9)  hs already become a legend in ODI cricket. Now just test matches awaits his brilliance.

10) We are still in awe of the spectacular performance by A double century in 173 balls is the stuff heroes are made of!

(P.S. The above messages are taken from twitter and BMS.co.in doesn’t support or endorse the same)

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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