10 Amazing Tips To Help You Loose Weight



We all know on what principles to lose weight i.e eat healthy and work hard. What we need to do is to eat and work smartly. Here are a few tips that can surely bring a change not only on your weighing scale but also a change within.

1) Keep a note of what you eat:

This will keep your conscious as you write and read and recollect the amount of calorie intake during the day. So make a dairy and start writing what you eat any at what time.

2) Never skip on breakfast:

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Include cereal, milk, eggs and a fruit preferably papaya. Your breakfast should be around 300-400 calories.

3) Try to cook your own food:

This will not only make you eat healthy homemade food but also bring about an interest in cooking. You can make your own soup,salads and can always browse for many healthy recipes online.

4) Drink lots of water:

It is the best beverage of all. Sip into a glass of chilled water with mint instead of a cola. It not only helps you in digestion but also keeps you full. Drink atleast 3-4 liters of water, it is very helpful for weight loss.

5) Include fruits in your diet:

Nature has blessed us with some really tasty and healthy fruits. Include apple and kiwi, they are high in fibre. Also have melons like musk melon and water melon an hour before you have your lunch. Watermelon is a tasty fruit that has 90% of water content.

6) Don’t forget berries:

Berries are an essential part of your diet. Blueberry, mulberry, strawberries are rich source of antioxidants.

7) Give up on outside food:

When we eat outside food we are not aware of the hygiene of the kitchen, quality of ingredients, the oil used etc. So you might not want to bites into those unwanted calories.

8) Eat lots of veggies:

Eat them raw or steamed, not fried, and dress them with herbs and spices with very little olive oil or cheese for flavor.

9)Schedule your treats:

You might feel like eating chocolates. It’s a natural craving. So schedule your treats like a pastry in the weekend or some pizza with friends once a month or so. By this you will feel content both of not eating high calorie food regularly and also of treating yourself with it once a while. You will stop obsessing about them at other times.

10)Don’t forget to exercise:

Last but never the least, exercise is must. Indulge yourself in sports, swimming, dancing, gym, yoga or a jog. This will not only help you get in shape but also keep you active at all times. Also try walking small distances and climbing stairs.


– Pranchal Joshi.

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