10 Amazingly Hilarious ‘Rahul Gandhi’ Tweets, Facebook Messages, WhatsApp Status


rahul gandhi



  1. UGC has banned dissection of poor defenseless creatures. So no more discussions on Chetan Bhagat and Rahul Gandhi.
  2. Kindly note, anyone takeing advice of Barkha, Vardarajan, Saggy,Rajdeep etc, ends up being a Rahul Gandhi or Arvind Kejriwal. Know Nilekani?
  3. Dear PM Modiji,For single handedly reducng Cong to not even Opposition party frm ruling party of 60yrs Rahul Gandhi deserves Bharat Ratna 🙂
  4. Today Rahul Gandhi will speak in Parliament. Lolololololol
  5. BREAKING NEWS -Rahul Gandhi, Precisely reading comic book “Popeye The Sailor Man”.
  6. Sooo Innocent.
  7. Smriti Irani got a degree from Yale and Rahul Gandhi from Cambridge. Next what? Lalu Prasad from Harvard?
  8. Understand this, you will see Rahul Gandhi wearing a skull cap but you will never see him with a Rakhi! He is secular!
  9. India’s HRD minister is dumber than Rahul Gandhi 🙂 #6daysDegree ab ki baar Ya le degree ka prachar.
  10. Every person should awarded by “Bharat Ratna” But “Bal Ratna” only should awarded to Rahul Gandhi. #BharatRatna #RaGaDeewana



By Amit B



(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 


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