10 Awesome #DelhiDialogue Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



  1. Arvind did not loot, did not rape, did not do goondaism, did not extort nor did any of the AAP MLAs so hav a dilog wid AAP. #DelhiDialogue
  2. #DelhiDialogue For #AAP supporters – you got a nation to save. No need to waste time on Zombies. #DelhiDialogue
  3. Only one rule will guide who will rule Delhi and that rule is Work Work Work something good for Delhi! #DelhiDialogue
  4. #DelhiDialogue The City which welcomes you with a big Mountain of Dump and a horrible traffic. Like from me (y)
  5. Permanently stuck between “I really want to talk to you” and “I don’t want to annoy you.” #DelhiDialogue #BB8 #BiggBoss8 #contest
  6. Delhites are too smart to be fooled again by @ArvindKejriwal #DelhiDialogue
  7. Some times aaptards start behaving just like bhakts, abusive and religious terrorists! #DelhiDialogue vs #Hinduism
  8. Previously there was fight against corruption & ppl supported. Now against what? Corruption Modi ji taking care. #DelhiDialogue
  9. Lone is ex-separatist NCP is ex-corrupt party owaisi is ex-deshdrohi hafiz is ex-terrorist New dictionary of BJP #DelhiDialogue @kapsology
  10. #DelhiDialogue will Change the way people look at AAP. Am sure 90 perc of the people who get to knw about it, will end up supporting us.

 DelhiDialogue 1



(P.S. The above messages are taken from Twitter and posted here only for information purpose. We neither endorse nor support the above tweets / status)





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