10 Awesome Facts of ‘Interstellar’ That Will Astound You


 Interstellar  (14) (427x640)

1) Interstellar is a science-fiction adventure movie which features Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain and Michael Caine.

Interstellar  (11)

2) Interstellar is directed by Christopher Nolan, written by Jonathan Nolan and produced by Paramount Pictures.

Interstellar  (8) (640x427)

3) Interstellar premiered on 26 October 2014 in Los Angeles, California. 

Interstellar  (7) (427x640)

4) Interstellar released worldwide on 7 November 2014 in United States, Canada, Belgium, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom etc.

Interstellar  (6) (427x640)

5) Interstellar movie’s storyline revolves around the belief that in near future, the earth will no longer be able to sustain humanity.

Interstellar  (5) (640x427)

6) Cooper is a former NASA test pilot who lives with his family which is haunted by a ghost who tries to communicate with his daughter.

Interstellar  (4) (427x640)

7) Professor Brand who leads the NASA installation secretly reveals that a miraculously formed wormhole has been discovered in Saturn.

Interstellar  (3) (427x640)

8) Cooper gets the responsibility to manage a spacecraft that will send potential planets to long-term sustainability.

Interstellar  (2) (427x640)

9) Cooper anyhow tries to return to earth after discovering that 23 years has been passed on Endurance.

Interstellar  (1) (640x640)

10) Cooper’s mission completes and he gets transported back through the wormhole and rescued by a NASA ship from where he begins his new journey.



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