10 Awesome ‘Happy Birthday Aditya’ Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter


aditya roy kapur

1) Happy Birthday Aditya Roy Kapur. You b’day trending on twitter indicates why good Indian artists will take another 50 years to be recognized

2) Happy Birthday Aditya Roy Kapoor!! I loved you in :*

3) Happy birthday Aditya Roy Kapur! YJHD would be more original if you played role of Naina (i bet you would do it perfectly) or atleast Ranbir

4) Happy Birthday Aditya Roy Kapoor..! May God Bless u With Lots Of Happiness n Love..!Keep Rocking Mere Bewde RJ

5) I love ur innocent face :* Keep Smiling baby… Much love <3 Happy Birthday Aditya 

6) Happy Birthday Aditya! Words cannot express my love for you  Keep rocking and wish you ALL the success in the world

7) Happy Birthday Aditya Another celeb who made my name famous “RAHUL”  Thanx for that love u in A2 & DI
8) Today is d birthday of most Handsome & down to earth person. Wishing u looottttss of happiness. Happy Birthday Aditya
9) Happy Birthday Aditya  The man with the most genuine personality the most humble guy ever…love u forever

10) Happy Birthday Aditya !! He is the future of Bollywood!!! and he will be a superstar for sure

(Disclaimer : The above messages are taken from social media websites. We do not endorse/ support the above opinions) 


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