10 Awesome #HappyBdaySriSri Tweets Trending On Twitter



  1. Transcendental knowledge cant be obtained by mental speculation. Only a realized master can make one experience the self. #HappyBdaySriSri
  2. Journo: What U say2some1who says AOL is a Cult? SriSri: What U say2some1who looks at a banana &says this is a watermelon?! #HappyBdaySriSri
  3. What makes @SriSri so popular? His genuine love and concern for all the people n all spheres of life. #HappyBdaySriSri
  4. #HappyBdaySriSri A man of Wisdom, joy and infinite patience; an ocean of compassion. @SriSri
  5. For life to be successful 3 things are required: Seva, Satsang & Kripa (grace)! ~ @SriSri To a Super successful mentor – #HappyBdaySriSri
  6. ocean of knowledge love humanity & service to society #HappyBdaySriSri 4m millions hearts in 152 countries @SriSri
  7. When we celebrate #HappyBdaySriSri , it is not just celebration, what is important is to imbibe Gurudev @SriSri ‘s qualities in our lives
  8. Spirituality in today’s world is as relevant as medicine to the sick, rest to the tired and wealth to the poor.” #HappyBdaySriSri
  9. #SriSriOnceToldMe The world is waiting 4 u. Go share d joy n love u hv got here n I promise u will get much more in return #HappyBdaySriSri
  10. The greatest gift you can give the Master is your good health & happiness! Smile away & make others smile… Celebrate #HappyBdaySriSri

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