10 Awesome Hilarious ‘6-day Yale degree’ Jokes, Tweets, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages




  1. On Roadies once a guy ran out of comebacks, so he pointed at his sneakers and said “Skechers Brand.Latest from US.” Smriti Irani took notes.
  2. Being called Mihir Virani for four years was slightly less irritating than seeing Smriti Irani in charge of education and literacy in India.
  3. “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” – Abraham Lincoln on @smritiirani
  4. Once Smriti Irani was feeling left out after getting two degrees, so she went to Police Station to get 3rd Degree.
  5. Even Google knows HRD Minister @smritiirani 6days course doesn’t count as Degree
  6. When Alia Bhatt can study in IIM Ahmedabad then why Smriti Irani can’t get Yale degree in just 6 days.
  7. Like George W Bush @smritiirani is a Yalie
  8. I totally support Smriti Irani. She has said nothing wrong. All politicians have a degree or two from Yell University.
  9. “I have a degree from Yale – @smritiirani” Yup. And I went to Disneyland…I’m Mickey Mouse.
  10. 100% FDI in Smriti Irani’s degree!


(Disclaimer: The information provided here includes information derived from various other websites and we neither endorse nor support the same.)

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