10 Awesome ‘Hot Dog Day 2014′ Facts That Will Blow Your Mind


Hot Dog Day

Hot Dog Day is celebrated on 23rd July 2014. It is a day for parades, events and hotdogs in abundance.

  1. Hot Dog Day is an informal event celebrated on 23rd July 2014.

  2. It is celebrated in hotdog-eating communities like USA, Canada, Great Britain and Australia.

  3. The festival involves around eating hot dogs and participating in many other activities.

  4. Hot dog day is also referred to “charity day”.

  5. National Hot Dog & Sausage Council in USA encourages, sponsors and supports such charity events.

  6. The Council also gives advice on hot-dog eating etiquette which aren’t strict.

  7. Such events are often criticized for promoting animal slaughtering and animal cruelty.

  8. Most hot dogs are produced by slaughtering pigs for meat and vegans have created vegetarian hot dog days in response to the traditional events.

  9. Other hot dog events include – Stanley Park Optimist Club – Season End Hot Dog Day Celebration, Kiwanis Club of Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada – Hot Dog Day, Newburyport, Massachusetts Hot Dog Day etc.

  10. Hot Dog lovers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania celebrate National Hotdog Month by sponsoring Hot Dog Crawls, Hot Dog Safaris & Cook Offs as well as organizing free Hot Dog lunches for Veterans and kid’s summer camps during July.

hot dog


Happy Hot Dog Day!







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