Finally Ranbir Kapoor has confirmed that he is in a relationship with actress Katrina Kaif and he will marry her by the end of next year. As per media reports, Ranbir said “This year both of us are extremely busy, so there won’t be any time for the marriage. We have planned to tie the knot by the end of next year. Both of us have agreed on that. Both of us are sure about our relationship and if we don’t open about it now, it would be showing disrespect to the relationship. I am 33 now and it is time I have my family. Even Katrina wants that. I have grown up in a family where film is everything. So, I know the importance of gossip and my funda is simple. When there is gossip, try not to react and it is advisable not to think too much about yourself.”
10 Awesome ‘Ranbir Kapoor – Katrina Kaif’ HD Images, Pictures, Photos for Facebook, WhatsApp
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I love kait &ranbeer
I love ranbir katrina