10 Awesome Things You Can Do On Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day

Celebrated on the 14th of February every year is this day called “valentines day”. A day of LOVE. As far as Valentine’s Day is concerned there is a minor connection with a saint called VALENTINE, as per what I have heard from my parish priests. There was a saint called Saint Valentine he wanted to bring a smile on every ones faces and wanted a small gesture of love being practised. He had a habit of saying ‘THANKYOU’ to everyone who had done something for him even if it was a small thing like giving him a glass of water. One day he was travelling and the person who dropped him home he told him a thankyou although the cab driver who dropped him was being paid by Valentine. The driver told him why you are thanking me I am indeed not doing a favour on you infact m taking money from you for dropping you home. But Valentine explained to him that it is always good to say a thankyou to everyone and it shows a gesture of love and appreciation. The cab driver smiled and practiced the same when he returned home. He asked his son to give him a glass of water and said a thankyou and the son felt appreciated and love, the same was practiced further by the son in school. Thus spreading love and appreciation this day is named valentine’s day.

We all have a total different opinion about Valentine’s Day. We believe that it is a day for lovers. When lovers express their gratitude, love and appreciation for their loved ones. It is not only for lovers but also for friends. On the 14th of February all lovers gift their boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, fiancée etc. the environment around suddenly is filled with love. Shops all filled with red gifts, toys and teddy bears. Everything seems to be like a red and white themed party. Although for singles it gets depressing. They do not have any one around. Everything seems like love is in the air and love is all around me type of feeling.

It’s not necessary to just show your love on that specific day. Everyday can be as special as Valentine’s Day. So then why only Valentine’s Day. Many of us forget to appreciate our loved ones. Of course we take our lovers on dates. But how many of us really take the time to appreciate others. Do we ever  show our love and appreciation to our mothers who cook for us every day, who makes sure that we have all our meals on time and keeps the house spick and span and yet manages to work outside in companies and hospitals as managers, nurses and doctors. What about daddies aren’t they supposed to be treated well? Why don’t we take time out and appreciate everybody that day. Our boss, colleague, friend, wife, girlfriend and even neighbours. Valentine’s Day is about love spread the love. Boyfriends and girlfriends spend a fortune on their lovers on this day they plan a special day for their lovers. Flowers, gifts, teddy bears, red dress, red tie and red shoes and what not. Any place you go even on the streets there is a sense of love all around.

Valentine’s Day 2015

Things that you could do on Valentines’ day:-

  1. Wishing her:-

At sharp 12 calls her wishes her and gives her a Valentine’s Day kiss on the phone. Being the first person to wish her makes her more special.

  1. Surprise her :-

Calling her up is a good thing but calling her near her window only to let her see you down waiting for her with flowers red roses would make her go Awwwww…

  1. That aww moment :-

When you ring the bell at 12 and you are right there with a card and Ferrero rocher chocolates. That’s something all girls love. You wish her and she goes like awwwwwww again and seal it with a kiss.

  1. Morning surprises:-

When she wakes up in d morning you could send her a pretty red dress with a note attached “happy valentine’s day my love hope to see you in this at 8 I will pick you up”. It makes her morning so special and beautiful. Waking up with a smile that could be the perfect morning.

  1. Appointment at a parlour:-

Well its but natural woman goes to the parlour to look special for her special date. If you book an appointment for her it would be lovely.

  1. A spa arrangement:-

This applies to the rich guys who love doing things for their girl could buy a couple spa vouchers and enjoy a relaxing day. Of Couse in this busy life that’s all you need.

  1. An evening date:-

A special evening date is what you need it is not necessary you need to take her to a 5 star hotel. Anything small can also be good. Taking her to a dhaba would do. Else an evening with good food and some wine.

  1. Take her for a long drive:-

A long drive would be so perfect where you drive and she talks, you reach a quiet place. While you lie down and hold her hands and look up at the sky and the beautiful stars are the witness of your innocent love.

  1. Gift her something handmade :-

All the above were materialistic things for some women what matters is a self-hand-made gift. Anything small but handmade is beautiful it brings a smile on her face. Expensive gifts require your money. But something handmade may be a small note clubbed with a picture requires your time and loads of patience and love. That’s what makes it even more special.

10. Propose her with a ring:-

Going down on your knees asking her for a dance and after a romantic dance you give her a ring. Ring a sign of commitment, a sign of love, a sign of loyalty and togetherness. That’s the end of it. You know how you propose to her. If it’s in front of her loved ones that would be more special and would mean a lot to her. You could even introduce her to your family especially your mom and dad it would leave her speechless.


In the same manner women too could do the same if their man is a shy type of a person.



Carren Bryne.

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