10 Awesome Tips For Perfect Profile Pictures!



Display pictures for Whatsapp, FB albums, the likes, the tags, the comments and so much more! Social Media has completely changed our needs for photography. Everyone needs to know how to turn into a good photographer and here is a list 10 very easy tips that need to be followed to improve your photographs.

whatsap dp

Tip 1: Posture Matters:

 Elongate your neck, and tilt your chin just a bit, Keep your shoulders back, if you are standing – turn slightly and rest your weight on your back leg, stand or sit precisely and don’t slouch.

Don’t keep your legs together and shoulders straight. Lean slightly toward the camera and angle your face and/or body.

Tip 2:  Be Observant:

Ensure the lens is above you, if the photographer is shorter than you, move to an area where they can stand on something or you can get below the lens. Head shots can also be more pleasing if only one ear is showing.

Tip 3: Background Blues:

A background makes or breaks your shot so be sure to think carefully about the how you place your subject. Keep the background clean, simple and clutter free.

Tip 4: Your Face Matters:

Laugh and smile. Keep your tongue behind your teeth. Look slightly above the lens. Try looking away from the camera and a few facial expressions. Candid shots are engaging and more interesting than the traditional “say-cheese” forced smile, which can create a forced look and squinty eyes.

Tip 5: Clear Images:

Stand with the sun at your back and the light of the sun falling on your subject. Unless you are making artistic pictures always try to keep the sun behind you.   

Tip 6: Night Images??

Enhance your dawn and night urban shots with light trails. Use vehicles or any other moving lights to add interest, mood, and drama. Light trails almost, always makes the shot interesting.

Night photography

Tip 7: Colors and Moods:

 Use color to bring out the mood of the scene.  Watch the colors and lighting changes as the day progresses from dawn till dusk.  You’ll be amazed how fast the mood can swing.

Tip 8: Click in huge numbers:

Change your angles and what you are doing but click loads and loads of photographs. The more number of photographs you have the better selection opportunities you get.

Old Pictures and Journal

Tip 9: Eyes- talk:

Holding a pose and keeping your eyes engaged is difficult. So close your eyes and then open them. Look away, and then look back to the camera. Do something unexpected. If you are outdoors, stand in the shade, and face the light. If you are indoors, face a window at an angle.

Tip 10: Color- Color:

Wear a color that flatters you. Don’t wear clothes that have crazy patterns, it will distract from your photo. Stay away from striped/checkered shirts. Also make sure your clothes aren’t wrinkled or bunching up, it can add weight if clothes are too baggy.



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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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