10 Best Awesome Songs To Reduce Stress And Anxiety



For more than 100 years, music has been used to treat illness, diseases and bring a harmony between mind and body. Recent scientific studies has proved that listening to music on headphones can reduce stress and anxiety in patients, it can relieve depression, increase self-esteem, improve mood and boosts quality of life.

Here are top 10 songs which you can listen to whenever you are stressed out:

1) Who am I by Casting Crowns

2) I will Rejoice by Mylon LeFevre

3) Landslide by Stevie Nicks

4) Glitter by Pink

5) Wish you were here by Pink Floyd

6) Watermark by Enya

7) Passenger – Let her go

8) Joshua Radin – What if you

9) Jack Johnson – Buddha

10) Dido – See the Sun

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