10 Best Twitter Reactions To #IStandWithArvind




  1. If slaps r promotional strategy,I m ready to promote Modi & Rahul Gandhi. Tell me when u want promotion.#IStandWithArvind
  2.  Why Media is agnst AAP? Because AAP is agnst Corruption AAP agnst Crony (Radia Tapes) AAP agnst Ambani…Gas price #IStandWithArvind
  3.  He stands among the people, no bodyguards, no bulletproof vest. They attack him, he says “don’t retaliate”. Lion kaun? #IStandWithArvind
  4.  The biggest lie of the year – Media has created #AAP. Fact is, Media has tried everything to demolish AAP. #IStandWithArvind
  5.  The pessimist reasons that things just happen, where the optimist believes that things happen for a reason. #IStandWithArvind
  6.  The thing is even if I raise my voice agnst industrialists n politicians, I wll gt slapped dats hw a aam aadmi is in India #IStandWithArvind
  7.  Bloody politicians do murder,rape,dacoity but no1 slaps.Arvind sacrificed his CM seat & fu*k*g media says he cheated ppl.#IStandWithArvind
  8.  What we have achieved is – now an aam aadmi can contest elections without money n anyonce support. Honesty pays #IStandWithArvind
  9. If AAP doesn’t not wins a significant number in LS. I will feel we Indian do not deserve to be ruled by good people. #IStandWithArvind
  10. To get rid of 1. Corruption 2. Criminalisation & 3. Communalisation of Politics #IStandWithArvind



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