10 Best Ways To Keep Calm During Exams



Exams are equal to tension for maximum of us. We instantly get a wave of tension and nervousness in our spine when we hear the word “Exam”. It really scares the hell out of us. Reasons behind this are the after-effects of our exams. Parents, teachers and our grades, this is all what we think about during our exam period. Everybody wants to pass out of this exam period in a calm way, though they aren’t able to do so.
       Here are some amazing ways to spend your exam days with a cool mind without any burden, tension and nervousness.


      -To stay relaxed during your exam days, always stay prepared. Don’t keep anything for studying at the last moment, especially the night before your exam. This will reduce your tension.
      -Don’t enter exam hall too early. Other people’s tension can affect you and can break down the level of your calmness.
      -Most important thing you need to take care about, before starting of your exam, is that you do not randomly discuss topics with your friends. Everybody will have different opinions and thus this last moment discussion may throw you in a pool of confusion.
      -After taking your seat in the examination hall, always remember to meditate for 4-5 minutes. It will freshen you up.
       – Always carry juice instead of water along with during your exams. Drinking juice will give you energy and will help your brain to work faster. It will also keep you fresh.
       -Most important thing that can help you to get through your examinations easily is taking proper sleep. Skipping our sleeping hours will have a negative impact on our concentration power. So always take a nice sleep before your exam.
        -Stay away from all the stresses around you. Always maintain a safe distance from negative talks, which you know will hit your mind constantly.
        -Whenever you get nervous while writing your exam, just put your pen down, close your eyes, take a deep breath and say yourself “Everything is okay. I am doing well”. This will motivate you.
         -Always attempt the questions which you know perfectly. After attempting these questions you will get confidence to write those about which you are not very sure.
       -Last, but not the least, always remember to have a healthy breakfast before going for your exam. Even a little exercise in the morning will help you to make it a stress free day.
        I hope that these tips will help you to keep you calm while writing your exams.

                        -TANVI TAPARIA


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Tanvi Taparia


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