10 Cool Astonishing Video Game Facts That Will Rock Your World



1) Microsoft Xbox was the first video game system to provide full support for HDTV.

2) Sega Dreamcast was the first console to implement online play over a phone line which was known as Sega Net. Sega Dreamcast was recognized by Popular Science as one of the most important and innovative products of 1999.

4) Magnavox Odyssey contained 40 transistors and no microprocessor. It was released in 1972.

5)PlayStation 2, first system to have graphics capability better than the leading edge personal computer at the time of its release. It was the first video game system to use DVD technology.

6) Atari Pong video game was the No. 1 selling item in 1975’s holiday season.

7) Nintendo N64 made the computer graphics workstation manufacturer Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) develop the game hardware technology.

8) Fairchild Channel console was the first video game in the form of add-on cartridges introduced in August 1976.

9) SNK NeoGeo AES was the longest supported gaming console in history on the market from 1991 till 2004.

10) In 1980, Mattel’s Intellivision system was introduced and featured an add-on called “PlayCable” which delivered games by cable TV.

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