10 Cool #LoveTheatre Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



  1. My favourite #LoveTheatre moment happens at @BarbicanCentre when all the doors close at once. Perfection in one moment, that is.
  2. That moment when something goes wrong or an actor corpses, and suddenly it all seems so much more alive because it’s live. #LoveTheatre
  3. #LoveTheatre = experiment, explore, change the rules: “If we don’t get lost, we’ll never find a new route” – JOAN LITTLEWOOD
  4. Have you ever wanted #AskATheatre something? Well, here’s your chance! We’ll do our best to answer all your curiosities! #LoveTheatre
  5. It’s #lovetheatre day today! My recommendation for a great new show to go and see in town is @MadeinDagenham brilliant show, great cast!!
  6. The Empire would have been a car showroom, but CADOS stepped in with money raised by members and bought for £2000 #lovetheatre
  7. It’s #lovetheatre day and I’ve marked it by signing up to do a play next year. Hooray! I’m very excited but can’t say what it is just yet…
  8. It’s #LoveTheatre day! In the midst of it let’s not forget that theatre may be glitzy & glamorous but it is also a powerful force for good.
  9. The wall of Royal fame in our Royal Receiving room
  10. Putting up the Christmas decorations –




(Disclaimer : The information provided here is derived from various other websites. We neither endorse nor support the same)


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