10 Cool #ModiInAustralia Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter




  1. doesn’t look like the PM has taken too long to adjust to the conditions at MCG! #ModiInAustralia
  2. In 1 yr liberals have moved from ‘Modi is not popular beyond Gujarat’ to ‘Modi is not popular enough in Australia’ #ModiInAustralia
  3. I think one of the most interesting aspects of #ModiInAustralia was his increased comfort while speaking publicly in English.
  4. Foreign audiences never fully appreciate speeches relayed by translators. So English is an important asset. #ModiInAustralia
  5. RT indcfi: PMOIndia narendramodi sir where is my 15 Lacs as promised by you during elections ???? . #ModiInAustralia .
  6. What #Youngsters find in #ModiInAustralia is the #River of #hope refusing to die despite the #pollution from #doubtingToms . @narendramodi
  7. CenterFruit to make @rahulkanwal their mascot, after seeing his tweets on #ModiInAustralia they think none can do “Jheeb Laplaaing” like him
  8. “Modi has hypnotized the normal rowdy house of representatives”- Australian paper #ModiInAustralia
    Modi’s Australia visit is a ”Pure Dalali” for Adani. It is a matter of grave concern. Talk about Poor and Work for Rich. #ModiInAustralia
  9. :Celebration of a quaint kind. Came across this pamphlet on arrival at hotel in Canberra. “

  10. While addressing the Australian parliament Modi said,”Terrorism is changing in character and expanding in its reach.” (1/3)

    (Disclaimer : The information provided here is derived from various other websites. We neither endorse nor support the same)


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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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