10 Cool Quotes of ‘Chetan Bhagat’ For WhatsApp, Facebook





  1. It is amazing to be in love. A feeling even better than passion. pp 150
  2. It is amazing how the brain will connect one thought to another until it gets to where it wants to be.pp 159
  3. Practical enough to leave the people who do the funny stuff alone. pp 170
  4. Old friends are old friends. Boyfriends and all are fine, but they never understand you like old friends can. pp 173
  5. That’s what human relationships are about – selective sharing and hiding of information to the point of crazy confusion. pp 184
  6. Girls can handle simultaneous multi-topic conversations with ease.
  7. Girls don’t like reality that much. Or practical questions. pp 198
  8. Sometimes your heart can lead you to a dead end.
  9. How can god give girls so much power? How can they turn productive, busy and ambitious men into a wilting mass of uselessness. pp 204
  10. Power is not an apple that falls from a tree into your lap. Power has to be snatched from people who already have it. Che Guevera, pp 205


From his book Revolution 2020


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