10 Cool SMS For Happy Holi 2015 To Share On Facebook, WhatsApp

  1. Dipped in hues of love and trust has come the festival of Holi. Happy Holi!!


  1. Bright colors, water balloons, lavish gujiyas and melodious songs are the ingredients of perfect Holi. Wish you a very happy and wonderful Holi.



  1. May God gift you all the colors of life, colors of joy, colors of happiness, colors of friendship, colors of love and all other colors you want to paint in your life. Happy Holi.


  1. If wishes come in rainbow colors then I would send the brightest one to say Happy Holi.



  1. A true and caring relation doesn’t have to speak loud, a soft sms is just enough to express the heartiest feelings. Enjoy the festival of Holi with lot of fun.


  1. Best wishes to you for a Holi filled with sweet moments and memories to cherish for long. Happy Holi!



  1. Holi is the time to develop understanding and love for each other. Here, is a platform for you all to renew your friendship and to express heartiest love by scribbling a beautiful Holi message for loved ones.


  1. May you have the most blessed holi festival than you ever had. May it be full of fun,joy and love. May you be as colorful as the festival itself or even more. Lets all have lots of fun.



  1. Holi tyohar hai Rang aur Bhaang ka Hum sab yaaron ka Ghar mein aaye mehmano ka Gali mein gali walon ka Mohalle mein mahoul waalo ka Desh mein deshwalo ka. Boora naa maano Holi hai Holi hai bhai Holi hai!


  1. Holi man bhedo ko mitane ka saar hai, Holi dushmano ko gale lagane ka tyohar hai, Holi naa khele jo manhoos, Unki jeevan mein haar hai.
  2. holi 25 holi 24 holi 23 holi 22 holi 21 holi 20 holi 19 holi 18 holi 17 holi 16 holi 15 holi 14 holi 13 holi 12 holi 11 holi 10 holi 9 holi 8 holi 7 holi 6 holi 5 holi 4 holi 3 holi 2 holi 1

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Rajvi Desai

my hobby is singing.


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