10 Cool Superb “Acche Din” Jokes, SMS, Funny Status For WhatsApp, Facebook


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  1. #AccheDin were sold as Sharon. But what we are getting is NG.
  2. Before elections they(BJP) were saying ‘acche din‘, as soon as they won,they started saying ‘kadvi dawai’-AS Lovely,Congress
  3. 5+ hours power cut last night. 6 hour power cut today afternoon. 10 hour internet down. Modi wave of #AccheDin in our area.
  4. 9 Students arrested for Anti-Modi Comments. Because these r Acche Din and u are not supposed to say anything unflattering about Dear Leader
  5. Acche Din does not means Saste din” something to understand for all those who r talking about Acche Din. @MrsGandhi
  6. Loading….. Acche din. Time remaining: About 59 months.
  7. India must take Scotland Police help to search missing “ACCHE DIN” Ya Phir James Bond 007
  8. Guy who coined “acche din” might not have thought that buy the time he starts tapping his own back for success,it becomes a joke & slang 😉
  9. A silent PM A lost FM An EAM not trusted by the PM A Power Minister in cahoots with power producers. And no Defence Minister Acche Din.
  10. Good news for paid-media. The list of “50 essential medicines free” also has Burnol. Acche Din Aagaye.

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