10 Cool Superb FIFA World Cup Jokes, SMS, Funny Status For WhatsApp, Facebook


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Some “I heard FIFA 14 is so real” jokes:

  1. I heard FIFA 14 is so real that when you use Suarez as a Pro, you bite players instead of tackling them.
  2. I heard FIFA 14 is so real that if you start career mode as Arsenal’s manager, you can recruit newborns to your youth academy.
  3. I heard FIFA 14 is so real that if you use Balotelli as a Pro, you can go to parties, crash cars, and throw darts at youth players.
  4. I heard that FIFA 14 is so real that if you take PKs with Balotelli, you will never miss.
  5. I heard FIFA 14 is so real that if you use Robben as Pro, you cannot use the Pass button.
  6. I heard FIFA 14 is so real that if you use Ramos to take a PK, a minigame on hitting the crowd starts right away.
  7. I heard that FIFA 14 is so real that if you use Valdes as Pro, you can do a matrix dodge when you have an incoming shot.
  8. I heard FIFA 14 is so real that if you use Pepe or Barton as a Pro, your control configuration will turn into SmackDown Vs Raw controls.
  9. I heard FIFA 14 is so real that if you use CR7 as Pro, you can change your hairstyle at halftime.
  10. I heard FIFA 14 is so real that if you use Terry as Pro, you can go out with other players’ wives.

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