10 Cool Superb First Day At College Jokes, Trolls, Funny Status For WhatsApp, Facebook


Funny things to do on first day of your college:

  1. Sit in the first bench and spend the lecture filing your teeth into sharp points. 😉
  2. Introduce yourself to the class as ‘James Bond’. 😉
  3. Wear earphones and ask the professor to speak louder in every few minutes. 😉
  4. When everyone looks at you, stare at them strangely. 😉
  5. Page through the textbook scratching each picture and smelling it. 😉
  6. Watch outside the class through binoculars. 😉
  7. Introduce your ‘invisible friend’ and ask for everything extra i.e. extra seat, handout etc. 😉
  8. Claim that you have written all the textbooks for this semester. 😉
  9. If anyone giving an introduction, interrupt every few minutes and ask “Can you spell that?”
  10. Wink at someone every few minutes. 😉
  11. In the middle of the first lecture, ask your professor if he or she believes in ghosts. 😉
  12. Laugh heartily at everything everyone says. 😉

Here we present 10 Cool Superb First Day At College Jokes, Trolls, Funny Status For WhatsApp, Facebook

First Day at College Funny Photos  (1) First Day at College Funny Photos  (2) First Day at College Funny Photos  (3) First Day at College Funny Photos  (4) First Day at College Funny Photos  (5) First Day at College Funny Photos  (6) First Day at College Funny Photos  (7) First Day at College Funny Photos  (8) First Day at College Funny Photos  (9) First Day at College Funny Photos  (10)

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