10 Cool Superb Group Admin Jokes, Trolls, Funny Status For WhatsApp, Facebook


Group admins of Facebook and Whatsapp are the ones who bring together people from different backgrounds in order to connect, share and keep each other updated. Group admins have to take care of the group members, edit and manage the discussions happening in the group.

Here we present 10 Cool Superb Group Admin Jokes, SMS, Funny Status For WhatsApp, Facebook:

Ladki wale(ladke se): beta kya kerte ho…?
Ladka: jee admin department mein Hun….
Ladki wale (khush hokar): kaun si company mein beta…
Ladka: whatsapp per 3-4 groups ka admin Hun….
Dedicated to All Admins ….

Bin pagari full adhikari…!!!

1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10

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