10 Cool ‘Toy Story 4’ Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter


Toy Story 4  - 2

  1. knowing there is toy story 4 makes me cry like 2017 na please
  2. Honestly, I’m super excited for Toy Story 4. That’s my whole childhood.
  3. I have mixed feelings about Toy Story 4 coming out in 2017…the third one just ended everything so perfectly!
  4. I’m so excited that there’s going to be a TOY STORY 4. I’ve missed Buzz and Woody.
  5. I will see Toy Story 4 only if the toys age like I have since 2010 and Woody spends the entire film standing over a mirror and weeping.
  6. Toy Story 4: Listen, Toy Story 3 Made Over A Billion Dollars
  7. Aside from money to be made, there’s literally no reason for Horrible Bosses 2 or Toy Story 4
  8. If they really are making a Toy Story 4…obviously thats awesome, but at the same time Toy Story 3 had the perfect ending?
  9. Toy Story 4 coming out in 2017. Rashida Jones is cowriting.
  10. Am I the only person who’s against the idea of Toy Story 4?


Toy Story 4 toy story 4 - 1

(P.S. The above tweets / status are taken from Twitter and it is posted here only for information purpose. We neither endorse nor support the same)

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